In the Life of Allie Muehe...

Thoughts and actions as of February 19th, 2006 mostly regarding my Peace Corps assignment to Uganda. I am leaving for Boston for my staging event (orientation) on March 2, 2006 and leave for Uganda on March 5, 2006.

Thursday, March 01, 2007


I thought I would write almost like journal entry this time. So I’m back in my village today, getting ready for my environmental educators’ meeting when the headteacher at my primary school knocks on my door. Apparently through a non-profit organization, Opportunity Education, my school was given a TV and DVD player to show kids educational videos that they gave them. Maybe because my school actually has electricity it was chosen to receive this equipment? I don’t want to be pessimistic because it’s a great program that gives many schools modern equipment as well as motivation to teach, but that money that bought the TV could have gone to other much more useful things that would be utilized much more. But it was a nice little ceremony with short and sweet speeches and I was able to talk with the executive director of the organization-an Irish immigrant who lives in California while not going to third world countries to deliver televisions. This is another image of a missionary or passing through white person who gives something to the school without understanding the impact. They are better than some of the other religious organizations because they have an Ugandan staff that is responsible for monitoring the schools to make sure they use the DVDs with the students as well as being there as a technician when the equipment has problems. Also, it seems like the missionaries are overly well-meaning, like they are so into helping people and thinking they are making them happy that they don’t see the big picture and just seem so completely foreign-not even considering skin color. It is like they think bringing a little equipment will change the school, not knowing most of the sports equipment and books are stored and they students barely get to see them. Again, I don’t want to be pessimistic, but I think of myself more as realistic. But I had a great time taking photos and talking with a fellow American.

PS I just received a package I sent myself: apparently I love beef jerky! It’s not a slim jim, I know I don’t like those, but it’s real jerky. Crazy…


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just sent you a text message, hopefully you'll get it. there is much news in my life...
I asked in my text about what I should send to you, but I just read far enough down in your entries to find a list. Just let me know if you have any special requests.
Terry and I are well. Baby Shirk (we are at 25weeks!) is healthy and well thus far. It's hard to believe we will have a baby in less than four months...
I apologize for being MIA for so long. You are missed and I think of you and pray for you often.
Blessings friend,

March 03, 2007 10:05 PM  

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