In the Life of Allie Muehe...

Thoughts and actions as of February 19th, 2006 mostly regarding my Peace Corps assignment to Uganda. I am leaving for Boston for my staging event (orientation) on March 2, 2006 and leave for Uganda on March 5, 2006.

Sunday, November 26, 2006


Yes, I was able to celebrate Thanksgiving, not on the 23rd, but yesterday on Saturday the 25th. I went to another volunteer's house in the Eastern part of Uganda, near a city called Tororo. She has one of the only volunteer houses that is the closest thing to a 'home' that I have seen. Apparently some Finnish missionaries came to her health center and built the house. So there are two bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen with running water (the pump has since broken so we still used water from gericans), electricity, and even a 'guest' house at her disposal. She even has a gas stove! Therefore, I got there on Friday and didn't stop eating until I left Sunday! It was amazing, I didn't think most of the food that was there was able to made here in Uganda. We had the closest thing to the all day feasting holiday as we can get here except for no football on the TV (not like I paid much attention to that anyways). We even had all 18 or so of us at one long table and had a traditional mid-day dinner with everyone giving thanks to something. We had a turkey, stuffing (mix sent from US), baked apples, mac and cheese (mix sent from US), mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, home made wheat rolls, pumpkin pie, and SO much more. For being here with a gas stove, we did really well and it was awesome. For the most part we hung out, played cards, cooked, cleaned, and ate. It was really relaxing and nice to see the other volunteers. If I wasn't at my Uncle's house in Jersey with my family, this was the next best thing.


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