Since Being Back
What have I done since I have been back? Most of the country is ‘on holiday’ with the school kids just this week coming back to school. Since I work in the school system that means that my teachers are either going to visit family member or hanging around the school. Having a bit of down time, I have read 4 books, spent way too long on Suduko puzzles, a bit of gardening, gone to a couple meetings, spent a lot of time on daily cleaning and cooking tasks, and started to plan many things that I want to accomplish this year. But also since the teachers are hanging around or in their gardens, I have spent a good deal of time getting to know my neighbors and especially the kids. Before I left most of the kids, majority of their ages range from 2-6, would see me and either start crying or screaming and run away. When I came back and spent a lot of time hanging around my house and talking with my neighbors, the kids started to realize that I wasn’t there to hurt them and started to come near me. It also helped that I brought back a few toys and cards that I let them play with either in my house or on my stoop. And, unlike most parents in Uganda, I like to play with the kids rather than teach them how to do work or yell at them for not doing work. Just yesterday I got water from my bore hole and the kids wouldn’t let me leave my house until they could carry my empty gericans. Walking back to my house the kids happened to follow me in a single line like the pied piper. We walked by a few teachers who were sitting and talking and I stopped, looked behind me and said in luganda ‘I don’t know why they like me now, but look, now I have an army.’ They just laughed.
Hi Allison,
Just dropping in to read your latest entry. Didn't get a chance to say goodbye before you left again.
I enjoy reading your Blog entries. It gives me a brief sense of what the other side of the world lives like and it definately is eye opening. I can't imagine all you have seen and experienced.
I'm certain you miss your family and friends, but what an experience you have had...such an opportunity to make one truly appreciate all they have, huh?
Well, I didn't want you to think nobody reads your Blog since there were no entries. I did!! LOL
Take care and God Bless you for all you are doing for others in the World.
It is very interesting to see the differences between PCV service now and in the late 60's when I served in Uganda. I was at St Edward's SSS, Bukuumi (north of mubende)
A phone, internet cafes, blogging...WOW!
At least the wonderful matooke and lumonde must be the same. Also, it looks like the bottles of beer are smaller than the ones we sucked on.
I am thinking of making my first visit (with another former PCV) since I left in Dec '70. As an older person I am more concerned about safety than I used to be when I was in my 20's. How is it in that regards?
Thanks, Frank
Hey Allison,
I just now realized that I've met you (among all the others there). I attended the Boston bash at the JFK Center in Boston and loved it. I am from Massachusetts. I was ready to get on the plane with you guys the next morning. I still have the little name tag that we got.
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