In the Life of Allie Muehe...

Thoughts and actions as of February 19th, 2006 mostly regarding my Peace Corps assignment to Uganda. I am leaving for Boston for my staging event (orientation) on March 2, 2006 and leave for Uganda on March 5, 2006.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Peace Corps Assignment Info

Ok ok, so I guess not everyone knows about the Peace Corps and what I'm doing, so here's the deal: I applied for the Peace Corps my senior year at Carnegie Mellon University and was nominated after graduation. The application process took a while so I started taking classes at Cornell for a year and I'm finishing a Master's of Engineering. I was invited to be a primary teacher trainer in Uganda, and I am hoping to also do some kind of environmental/conservation work or study during my assignment. My primary assignment consists of helping administration, strengthening community, student and parent relations, and helping monitor, evaluate and train teachers. I think of myself as becoming a sort of roaming principle to a few local primary schools.
So I go to Boston for staging (orientation) on Thursday, March 2nd, 2006 and actually leave for Uganda on Sunday, March 5th, 2006. While in Boston, I will be attending a reception for the 45th year anniversary of the Peace Corps at the Kennedy library. Once in Uganda, a group of other Peace Corps volunteers assigned to Uganda and I will stay in Mityana for 3 months for culture, language, and project training. Mityana is about 30 miles northwest of the capital, Kampala. I don't know where I will be after training, but my address while I'm in training will be:

Allison Muehe, PCT
PO Box 29348
Kampala, Uganda

Unfortunately, packages can take a long time, like a month or two, but a good thing to do would be to put "Airmail" or "Par Avion" if you send a letter. I will get a cell phone once I get there and I will let everyone know what the number is.

So yes, if you want any more than this basic info just please email me. Thanks buddies!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats Allie on your assignment!! :)

You'll do great even though we'll miss you greatly! :)

February 21, 2006 11:26 PM  

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